Is there anything wrong with Love?
Is there any special circumstance to a man to be falling in Love
Or does it need a special condition to feel Love?
If the answer is no,
then why the hell people judge and said this love is wrong and that love is not?
I think there's nothing wrong about Love.
Love never goes wrong.
Because if it does (even sometimes) then God will not created it at the first place
God will forbid human to feel Love because it will drag human into a bad things or put man into a wrong decision in their life.
But it's not..
God still give us this beautiful gift called "Love"
that enable us to see the beauty inside the others
Because we love someone not because they're beautiful but they are beautiful in our eyes because we love them..
how dare people said that there's is such thing as "forbidden love"
and people often said it is not Love because it had special condition,
a very rare one..unusual one..
When I heard them said it, I just wish they can have it one day in their life so they know that is nothing wrong about Love.
It came out from nowhere and we can predict it
No one can chose who will they fall for
or when the Love will strike and get you..
Because when it comes, u really can't resist it
no matter how hard u try to cling to something you believe in your whole life
Love just change your point of view of everything!
It's the thing that can make a blind man see,
a deaf hear songs, paralyzed people can walk, a dumb can talk..
Maybe even an Atheis believe in God
Even if the others think your Love is worthless
Just keep your head up high and believe
That Love will always find the way,
and Love alone will triumph..
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