Sunday, June 28, 2009


I thought losing u is something i can bear
but I am totally wrong.
we did fight, but I don't think it will be the end of this..
I just can't understand that you prefer to feed your ego than to keep me.
Is your ego mean that much to you?
You said that it is me who make our relationship end,
I just can't understand how could you throw everything away?
All the memories,
the laughter and the time we spent it nothing to you?
All your sweet talk and the promise that we made, is it all just bullshit?
You leave, just like that
Leaving me behind with all these tears and pain inside
And now i know,
that everything will never be the same again..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Underneath Your Clothes...

You're a song
Written by the hands of god
Don't get me wrong cause
This might sound to you a bit odd
But you own the place
Where all my thoughts go hiding
And right under your clothes
Is where I find them

Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey

Because of you
I forgot the smart ways to lie
Because of you
I'm running out of reasons to cry
When the friends are gone
When the party's over
We will still belong to each other

Underneath Your Clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey

I love you more than all that's on the planet
Movin' talkin' walkin' breathing
You know it's true
Oh baby it's so funny
You almost don't believe it
As every voice is hanging from the silence
Lamps are hanging from the celing
Like a lady to her good manners
I'm tied up to this feeling



Tidak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini
Jangan pernah mengharapkan hidup untuk lebih adil
Karena memang seperti itulah adanya hidup
Tidak semua hal yang kau inginkan bisa kau dapatkan
Dan gak semua hal bisa berjalan sesuai dengan keinginanmu
Well, sometimes shit can happen...
Dan bersiaplah untuk mengalaminya di hidupmu

Setelah aku telusuri juga isi Alkitab,
ga ada seorang tokoh, nabi dan rasul pun yang hidupnya lurus
dan nggak pernah berbuat salah.
Tentu saja hanya Yesus yang suci dan tak bernoda.
Raja Daud dengan segala keperkasaan dan kekuasaannya
Dimana Allah memilih dia untuk menjadi seorang Raja bagi
Israel dan menyingkirkan musuh-musuhnya
Menang di berbagai perang, bahkan Allah menyerahkan Saul,
Raja terdahulu ke dalam genggamannya untuk ia musnahkan
tetapi Daud memilih untuk tidak membunuh Saul.
Namun di semua kesuksesannya, dia jatuh ke dalam dosa
karna Betsyeba, istri Uria, orang Het yang menjadi prajuritnya
Perselingkuhan mereka berubah menjadi sebuah intrik jahat
yang akhirnya membuat Daud kehilangan akal dan mengirimkan
Uria ke barisan depan medan pertempuran.
Dengan matinya Uria maka ia bisa memiliki Betsyeba.
Tidak membunuh Saul namun merencanakan pembunuhan bagi
Uria..demi hasratnya pada Betsyeba..

Ada pula Salomo,
Raja Israel yang begitu bijaksana sampai-sampai diceritakan
di dalam Alkitab ga ada seorangpun di muka bumi baik yang
terdahulu maupun yang akan datang sebijaksana dia.
Penuh hikmat dalam memutuskan berbagai perkara.
Dan yang paling membuatku takjub adalah ia dapat berbicara
dengan binatang-binatang.
Juga digambarkan Salomo sebagai seorang yang memiliki
kekayaan yang luar biasa..dan di masanya pula Bait Suci didirikan.
Namun, di masa tuanya dia mulai jauh dari Tuhan
dengan memiliki banyak sekali selir dari berbagai suku dan
kepercayaan..kembali dia mendukakan hati Tuhan.
Salomo lemah pertahanannya terhadap wanita.
Ia bahkan merelakan para selir-selirnya untuk mendirikan
patung-patung penyembahan bagi para dewa-dewa mereka.
Ah, lagi-lagi cinta yang menjadi masalahnya...

Hidup manusia tidak bisa sempurna.
Kita bahkan tidak bisa mendekati kehidupan yang sempurna
semua karena Allah mau kita terus bergantung pada Dia saja.
Di setiap langkah dan keputusan yang kita ambil.
"Cukuplah Kasih Karunia Ku bagimu, sebab justru di
dalam kelemahanlah kuasaKu menjadi sempurna"
II Korintus 12:9

Dan aku menyadari bahwa,
aku memang seorang yang beruntung...sangat beruntung.
Dalam pekerjaan aku belum pernah ngerasain nganggur,
dalam pendidikan walau lambat tapi aku selamat ;p
dalam keluarga, Tuhan menganugerahkan begitu banyak
berkat di hidupku dengan memberikan kedua orangtua yang
luar biasa dan saudara-saudara yang penuh kasih.
I never asked for's my perfect family.
Tapi dalam hal cinta aku adalah orang yang kurang beruntung.
Entah kenapa dan apa sebabnya aku ngga tau.
Dan sepertinya orang selalu menganggap aku jatuh cinta pada
orang yang salah ;)
Tapi bagiku semua cinta yang aku pernah alami ga salah.
Yah, mungkin memang begitulah adanya.
Ga ada sesuatu hal di dunia ini yang bisa berjalan sempurna.
Bahkan bagi orang yang luarnya kelihatan bahagia,pun pasti
ada sesuatu yang membebani pikirannya.
Jadi, buatku...
harusnya aku udah cukup puas dengan apa yang aku punya
sekarang ini
Walau bener-bener harus berjuang untuk bisa merasakan
puas dan menerima...
Tak pernah berhenti berharap dan percaya bahwa segalanya
akan indah pada waktuNya.


The More I Bleed The More I Feel Alive

Is there anything wrong with Love?
Is there any special circumstance to a man to be falling in Love
Or does it need a special condition to feel Love?
If the answer is no,
then why the hell people judge and said this love is wrong and that love is not?
I think there's nothing wrong about Love.
Love never goes wrong.
Because if it does (even sometimes) then God will not created it at the first place
God will forbid human to feel Love because it will drag human into a bad things or put man into a wrong decision in their life.

But it's not..
God still give us this beautiful gift called "Love"
that enable us to see the beauty inside the others
Because we love someone not because they're beautiful but they are beautiful in our eyes because we love them..

how dare people said that there's is such thing as "forbidden love"
and people often said it is not Love because it had special condition,
a very rare one..unusual one..
When I heard them said it, I just wish they can have it one day in their life so they know that is nothing wrong about Love.

It came out from nowhere and we can predict it
No one can chose who will they fall for
or when the Love will strike and get you..
Because when it comes, u really can't resist it
no matter how hard u try to cling to something you believe in your whole life
Love just change your point of view of everything!
It's the thing that can make a blind man see,
a deaf hear songs, paralyzed people can walk, a dumb can talk..
Maybe even an Atheis believe in God

Even if the others think your Love is worthless
Just keep your head up high and believe
That Love will always find the way,
and Love alone will triumph..


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Beauty Pageant

Ketika menonton salah satu kontes kecantikan atau Putri putri-an di salah satu televisi swasta di Indonesia,
di kepalaku terfikirkan satu hal.
Apa bedanya kontes kecantikan ini dengan kontes2 kecantikan binatang peliharaan atau kontes2 ternak?
Sama-sama mencari pemenang diantara sekian banyak peserta.
Berusaha menunjukkan bahwa dirinya jauh lebih unggul dibandingkan yang lain.
Dengan memamerkan segala apa yang dia punyai.

Bedanya adalah yang satu kontes diikuti oleh manusia,
dan yang satunya diikuti oleh binatang...
Yah, manusia tentu saja yang diuji adalah pengetahuannya walaupun pengetahuan itu ga bisa disebutkan sebagai sesuatu hal yang luar biasa.
Karna tidak ada pertanyaan aljabar, matematika, logaritma, biologi, fisika dan kimia disana...yang ada hanyalah pengetahuan umum.
Malahan lebih banyak tentang moral dan sebagainya,lah.
Selain itu, mereka berusaha memukau para juri dengan senyuman, dandanan tebal, baju hasil karya perancang ternama yang tentunya mahal, perhiasan yang mentereng..
Itu kontes kecantikan ala manusia

Kalau untuk binatang, misalnya katakan saja binatang peliharaan
yang diuji adalah kepatuhannya, caranya menuruti perintah,
kegesitan dan kelincahannya, kebersihannya..
Kalau untuk ternak yah kesehatan dan bibit-nya..asal muasalnya..

Hmmm...sekilas dilihat sepertinya sama aja,ya?
Sama-sama menjual apa saja yang dia punya untuk memenangkan pertandingan.
Dengan alasan Putri yang terpilih pada kontes kecantikan ini akan menjadi duta dan wakil dari negaranya untuk bertanding ke negara lain,
ada juga dengan alasan sebagai duta pariwisata, mengiklankan tentang negaranya ke negara2 yang lain...
Ga masuk akal, kenapa untuk mengiklankan pariwisata aja mesti pake pemilihan dan kontes-kontes segala?
Emangnya ga ada perempuan dengan tampang biasa-biasa saja yang bisa jadi lebih pintar dari mereka, hanya karena tidak menang kontes maka dianggap tidak pantas untuk menjadi wakil mengiklankan negaranya?

Hanya bagi banyak orang, hal-hal seperti ini malah dianggap suatu hal yang baik, yang akan mamicu para wanita untuk memiliki "beauty, brain and behaviour"
Lha, ga mesti untuk ikutan kontes kecantikan dong...
Memang kita, para wanita, harus belajar kok dengan semangat untuk diri kita sendiri
Karena ga ada yang lebih menyenangkan daripada kenyataan bahwa kita bangga akan kemampuan diri sendiri dan itu akan membuat perempuan menjadi jauh lebih cantik dan sexy dibandingkan dengan putri-putri berbikini dan berbaju rancangan designer terkenal..
Because the beauty is in the brain..

=)'Che Pasaribu

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Love is,
the way you look at me
and how you blushed when I look to you closely,
how the compliment make you feel funny and can't look me in the eye

Love is,
more than just saying "I love you,honey.."
but it's when your eyes saying that you really care about me
and how you're going through hell just to be with me
despise all the consequences..
just to spending time with me
and I,really, am so grateful to have you as mine..

Love is,
when touches speak louder than words
you don't have to talk so much to say those words
just hold my hand and I know how your feelings..

Love is,
when I found my safe place in your arms
just cuddling beside you, I feel heaven..

Love is,
when you found out that all the memories with that someone can make you going through the hardest day in your life

Love is,
when you talk about your dreams..opinion on everything around
and how we can 'brainstorming' each other,shares our point of view,
share silly and unimportant things just to laugh at..
and how amazed I am to found out that we really connected in our every single brain cell ;)

Love is,
how I can be myself when I am around you
I don't have to be someone else and you make me more proud for who I am

Love is,
when everything seems to be impossible
but with you even the impossible can be possible

Love is,
how u changed my life...make me a better person in a special kind of way
a way that no one can understand but me and you
For other I may be a fool and think this is wrong
but I found it real and this is right thing to do!

Love is,
when I felt perfection in it.
The pain and happiness at the same time
but even the pain can seems beautiful with you.
I feel complete.

Love is you.
No other.


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Need A Revolution

I never asked for this kind of life
I just wish my life be a little more easier
Things just get more simple than this
U see, I used to think that "go with the flow" kind of life
is the best way of life to live on
But then now I realized,
without any plans and goals in life
we just get screwed at the end
And I am aware of this now
I just wish that everything can't be too late for a better life now
Imagine me in this age did not have a stable life yet
Did not have any achievements in life
I even didn't have a steady relationship
What I have now, I don't know what I called it
I love him so much but
the words "forever" seems to be impossible now between me and him..
I just wish I have more attention of my future back at that day
I just wish that I have more passion for my future
Instead of doing nothing and being lazy all the time
I still remember my teacher used to say to me,
that I am really can be something if only I paid more attention
and work harder...she sees alot of good things in me
She said I got something inside of me that can turned me into
anything I wanna be.
Unfortunately, she is right with that and I am neglected her
I am not taking her good advice
Instead of running everthing in my life into a great things
I just start ruined my life
And now, if I said my life is sucks...
I got no one to blame but me..
It's all's all my fault
No one can responsible for what you become in your life but yourself, right?
I regret my life now
I regret every single chance I blew to be a better person than I am now
Did I still have a chance to change and have a better life?
It's not easy for me to make a revolution in life now
but, I think it's worth trying..


Monday, June 01, 2009

It's all about you

It's you,
that i am thinking now
That always cross my mind lately
And it's you,
every time I feel sad and unhappy
I just wanna share every feelings I have.
The time I feel so stuck with things in life
it's you I am calling
and it's you that can always make me feel better.

Even sometimes you laugh at my unfortunate event
but, deep inside I know u didn't mean to be cruel.
And when I cry,
I know that it's you who will always lend me your shoulder
and a safe place to cry
At the times of fears and anxiety
holding your hands can cast away all that feelings.

No matter how silly and goofy I am,
u like it about me
It is a great feeling I have now
knowing someone can love me as much as u do
and I will never get alone again

It's you at my inbox every morning
a simple message like "morning, honey"
or just a call to start my day
You really can make my day beautiful for just
that simple things and no one can make me feel bad for a day.

And it's you just when I just arrived home from work
with all your attention ask how my day was..
did I have a good day or a nice meal
And we can talked about everything and anything without feel tired
There's always you in my inbox, call log and chat log..
I just never get enough of you
Never bored share stories with you..
And I hope I never get bore..until we grew old

It's you I wanna spend the rest of my day with
and God knows
that all my days now from the time I woke up until
I go to bed at night,
it is all about you..
And even all this words not good enough to represent
my deep feeling for you.
I just want u to know that I love you.
So much.
With all my heart.
